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Are you constantly looking for ways to gain new instructions, but feel you are limited on what you can offer that’s a true benefit for both your tenants and landlords.

Roy Fuller, owner at Everything Lettings ‘says it’s been a few years now since I sat with Landlords presenting to win new business, but I bet you are still asked the same question....... What can you offer me different to your competitors? It does not matter how many times you are asked, you know the answer they are looking for? They want a reduced management fee, as they want to make sure they retain more of the monthly rentable income.

I believe we have the answer to that question at Everything Lettings; it’s our Emergency Assist cover. Why? Because the biggest drain on your landlords monthly income is property maintenance issues, these are often unplanned and emergency breakdowns are normally outside of working hours and therefore call out fees are higher. So why not offer them something that can safe guard this and in turn retain more of the rentable income without negotiating your fees.

What is Emergency Assist cover?

It’s a product brought to the market from my own experiences within lettings, a product that helps control Landlords expenditure, as our ‘Emergency Assist Cover’ will protect against sudden and unexpected emergencies . One set annual fee, or 12 monthly instalments provides up to £500 of cover per claim and unlimited claims, including call-out, labour and parts.

How will this help me to win more instructions I can hear you say? It is an additional cost, and a new product I have to try and sell alongside my current list.

Everything Lettings has just launched a 3 month version of the Emergency assist cover for this winter, and for a VERY small fee you can gift this to your Landlords as part of your listing package without re-negotiating your fees.  Granted it is a cost for you, but a much smaller one than giving away a percentage of your fee each month. Our 3 month mini will give your landlords and tenants £150 of cover and access to a 24/7, UK based helpline to attend and fix an issue, including call-out labour and parts. *terms and conditions apply*.  

Giving that, most landlords tend to invite 2-3 letting agents to provide a market appraisal of their property. It is likely that you will be pitching with more or less the same service benefits and fees. There are not many agents, however, who can boast an emergency assistance service with all the benefits of the Everything Lettings 3 month mini -immediately rising you above and beyond the competition and all going well, straight into the arms of that valuable new instruction.

At Everything lettings we also provide:  In hour’s planned and Emergency maintenance from:  9am – 5:30 pm Monday to Friday. We can attend and fix on site, attend and quote from site (fix if authorised), attend and provide a quotation with digital photographs where possible.  Out of hours emergency cover from: 5:30pm- 9:00am Monday to Friday (Weekends and bank holiday) working to pre set rates and pre agreed attendance criteria Gas safety certificates & Gas safety + combined boiler servicing, Pat testing and Electrical wiring reports  from:  9am – 5:30 pm Monday to Friday.
To find out more about our services including the new 3 month mini, please talk to us at Everything Lettings
Tel 0844 272 2442 Roy Fuller Mobile -07970 840561
E: roy@everything-lettings.co.uk  
W: www.everything-lettings.co.uk


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