

An estate agency that bucks the industry trend by selling only tenanted properties to landlords says it’s had a record year....
A councillor has called for all new HMOs to be created with en suite bathrooms, and not shared bathrooms....
A property development consultancy is tipping five regeneration areas in England as potential good investments for the coming year....
Many of us will be glad to see the back of 2020 for obvious reasons....
Insecure tenancies, poor housing conditions and overcrowding lead to health problems and worsen risks in the pandemic, a think tank claims....
London Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan wants a £3 billion one-off windfall tax on private developers to fund replacement cladding on affected buildings....
The roll-out of a vaccine for Coronavirus could dramatically change the poor rental market performance in prime London in the coming year,...
Covid-19 restrictions in force across the country for the foreseeable future means landlords must remain cautious in 2021 - and they should...
The government has published official guidance for landlords on how they should operate in the new Tier 4 locations....
Consumer service Which? says it anticipates landlords choosing short term mortgages in the coming year, rather than five year options....
Demands for ever-more energy efficient properties could drive landlords out of the sector, the government has been warned....
Landlords of a property in Peterborough have been compensated £6,000 by the local council....
We’re delighted that landlords will be starting their Christmas break - and it’s rarely been more deserved after an immensely difficult year...
A Labour housing politician is accusing the government of using Coronavirus as an excuse for dragging its feet over scrapping Section 21....
The government has rejected a call for landlords to have powers to evict tenants who fall 14 days into arrears....