College students face many challenges while in school. Many individuals are forced to split time between studying and earning a living. On the other hand, some are thinking of ways of improving their grades. Although these issues are legitimate and should not be downplayed, some groups of learners are in the worst situations. Homelessness is gradually becoming a problem for college students all across different countries. To understand the homelessness problem among college students, you need to understand different homelessness types. In addition, you need to comprehend how it stops some learners from completing their education. Furthermore, you should know ways of mitigating the situation. This article covers all that and more.
Homeless Students Types
A student does not have to sleep on the streets to be considered homeless. Individuals that sleep in shelters and cars belong to this category as well. Likewise, students squatting in a dorm or apartment with friends may also be homeless. However, each individual’s situation is different. As such, the classification below puts homeless learners into various groups.
Conventional Lack of Accommodation
Conventional homelessness describes people who lose their homes due to catastrophes, health conditions, force majeure events, etc. Other reasons to consider include the following:
Substance abuse;
Losing a home due to debt;
Family disputes.
Occasional Lack of Accommodation
This homelessness type occurs for a short time. Many learners experience this during their time in college. In most cases, the situation resolves within a short time. However, such occurrences must be appropriately managed to prevent a full-blown lack of accommodation.
Chronic Lack of Accommodation
As the name implies, this homelessness describes a student who lacks permanent accommodation for extended periods of time. People who fall into this category are usually older. However, many learners with disabilities easily fall into a chronic lack of housing.
Hidden Lack of Accommodation
Learners classified under hidden lack of accommodation don’t directly live on the streets. Instead, they stay in cars, motels, or with friends and family. These individuals are considered hidden because they are not captured in statistics.
As a student, there are challenging times in your college life when personal and school activities become overwhelming, especially if you have a housing issue to worry about. When this eventually happens, you can rely on legit research paper writing services for all your academic content. Using this service ensures you get good grades while coping with the realities of life.
Homeless Students Who Don’t Complete College
Many homeless learners manage to complete college despite the challenges they face. However, many more drop out of school. Below are reasons some never get back to class.
Lack of Funds
Homeless students usually become homeless due to insufficient funds. In most cases, these individuals are unemployed and lack sufficient funds to care for their basic needs. As such, they will have to prioritize other aspects of their lives by dropping out of school.
Lack of Food Security
Food is a basic necessity every human needs to survive. Many homeless learners experience food insecurity due to peculiar situations. For this reason, many students choose to buy food instead of paying for school.
Cost of Raising a Child
Some homeless students are also parents. These individuals’ homelessness is amplified by the demand for caregiving for one or more kids. For these people, looking after their children supersedes any need to complete their education.
Transportation is a primary problem for most people lacking stable accommodation. Homeless students who live further away from their college may not have access to affordable means of getting to school. In such cases, these learners eventually stop showing up to school.
When students need to spend extra time on transportation to college, they can lack time to deliver some of their papers. However, many individuals are wary of buying academic articles on the internet. Hence, platforms that offer samples go a long way in reducing the fear learners have. You can get free essays online on most respectable platform and huge their paper quality before you order. Students who lack funds can also avail of this, as samples are free to use.
Ways of Helping Homeless Students
There are several ways to assist homeless learners. Below are some to consider.
Get Educators Involved
The best way to mitigate homelessness among students is to get their teachers and professors involved. Therefore, educators must be given the training and tools to interact effectively with students. In the process, they will identify and encourage those who have housing issues.
Meet Basic Needs
As seen earlier, homeless learners are more likely to drop out of school due to their inability to take for their needs. Once affected learners are identified, governments, schools, and NGOs should provide access to essentials that include:
Medical care;
Hygiene products;
Easy access to these essentials gives homeless learners the incentive to stay in school.
To Conclude
Homelessness is a global problem that affects a big part of the world’s population. In particular, it is on the rise among students in high schools and colleges. Not all homeless students belong to the same category. Yet, many who lack access to permanent accommodations eventually drop out of school. Some reasons students drop out of school include a lack of access to food, affordable transportation, money, and other basic needs. To mitigate these problems, educators should know how to identify and help homeless students. On the other hand, institutions must provide these learners with basic needs to keep them in school.
About the Author
Diane Sherron is a student-based writer. She creates helpful content for learners and educators. Likewise, Diane loves to volunteer in homeless shelters and help students in need.