The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the private rented sector has launched an inquiry into the energy efficiency of private rented housing.
From 1 April 2018, all privately rented properties will be required to have a minimum energy performance rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate. This is likely to pose significant challenges given that privately rented homes are generally older and harder to treat than properties in other tenures.
The group’s inquiry follows the Government’s decision not to renew the Landlord Energy Savings Allowance in the March Budget. This had originally been introduced to encourage landlords to improve the energy efficiency of the properties but it was dropped because of low take up.
The Government has also ended funding for the Green Deal and a decision by the European Court of Justice earlier this year ruled that the reduced 5% rate of VAT paid on energy efficiency products can no longer be applied, apart from when used for social rented housing.
The group will consider the impact of recent policy developments on energy efficiency improvements in the private rented sector and make recommendations about what new policies could be developed to support the sector within the Government’s overall ambitions for household energy efficiency and given its efforts to ensure value for taxpayers’ money.
Chairman of the group Oliver Colvile, MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, said: “With the winter months just around the corner, improving the energy efficiency of rented housing is a crucial issue.
“With the private rented market under more scrutiny than ever landlords have a challenge to meet the new energy efficiency requirements of their properties.
“The group’s inquiry will look to develop new ideas that will support landlords to meet their new target; save tenants money on their bills and help improve standards. I would encourage all those with an interest to submit their suggestions.”
Those with an interest in these subjects are invited to provide written submissions of no more than 1,500 words to Ed Jacobs on [email protected] by 23 October.