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Government confirms October 1 introduction of Section 21 regulations

The government has confirmed that new Section 21 regulations under the Deregulation Act will come into effect on the intended date of October 1. 

This is despite a 'major drafting error' in the legislation, which was queried by the Residential Landlords Association.

There were doubts that the October 1 deadline – the same day Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 are being introduced – would have to be pushed back but the government says amendments have now been made to the wording of the legislation, and a new Section 21 form has been circulated for last minute comments from the industry and consumer bodies.

This means that, as intended, from October 1 at the start of a new tenancy a landlord or agent acting on their behalf must provide tenants with a valid Energy Performance Certificate, an annual Gas Safety Certificate and a copy of the government's How To Rent guide.

Failure to do this means the agent or landlord cannot serve a section 21 eviction notice.

The government's guidance on the new rules can be viewed here

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  • Kenny Sahota

    So not only will landlords have to contend with the new regulations regarding smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, but now these changes in tenancy agreements too. Get clued up on it now landlords, otherwise you may face a hefty fine!


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