Despite recent tax changes, buy-to-let property remains an attractive investment at a time of low interest rates and volatile stock markets, but some investors fail to recognise that becoming a landlord comes with added responsibilities, which are constantly changing.
Failure to comply with the rules can result in prosecutions, fines and the inability to evict non paying tenants, and that is where the Landlord Law Conference could potentially help you.
The conference, which will take place at the Sprowston Manor Hotel on the outskirts of Norwich tomorrow, will feature a number of legal talks from specialist lawyers and trainers, as well as an exhibitors area, with specialist companies there to talk to and advise you, including Anthony Gold solicitors, the Property Redress Scheme, Aston Shaw Accountants and the Residential Landlords Association, among others.
The day should prove to be a good opportunity to network with other buy-to-let landlords and property professionals.
To attend the event, you will have to buy a ticket, at a cost of £204. To do so, click here.