A landlord who allowed tenants to live in substandard conditions in Oxford has been handed a fine of £2,500.
The poorly-maintained six-bedroom house, located in Rose Hill, featured a number of fixtures, fittings and appliances that were in a poor state when housing inspectors visited the two-storey home, including fire alarms that had not been maintained in good working order.
Oxford City Council also discovered that the landlord, Gyoung-Ja Song, had failed to obtain a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) licence for the property.
After Song admitted six beaches of licensing rules via writing – she opted not to attend the hearing – including ignoring the council’s request to supply test certificates for the gas appliances and electrical installations at the HMO, Oxford Magistrates’ Court’s district judge, Tim Pattinson, branded the case a ‘serious matter’ before also ordering the rogue landlord to pay £2,025 costs and a £120 victim surcharge.
The court was told that the council is unaware if the issues have been put right as officers have not undertaken a follow-up visit.