Despite a challenging period for landlords, characterised by tax and regulatory changes, buy-to-let remains a popular choice, supported by record-low mortgage borrowing rates, solid demand from renters and stable returns.
Investment in buy-to-let continues to outperform most major asset classes, thanks in part to the fact that some investors are adopting new strategies and techniques to cope with changing market conditions.
To help guide you, Hamilton Fraser continues to offer a series of property podcasts aimed at buy-to-let landlords.
The audio podcasts, which feature buy-to-let expert, Paul Shamplina, Eddie Hooker from Hamilton Fraser, alongside guests, are released monthly, covering the latest landlord, tenant and agent issues, as well as providing important information for listeners.
The half hour segments, which are available to download for free by clicking here, offer listeners the chance to request topics they would like to hear discussed.
The podcasts have covered a wide range of issues, including ‘expert advice on tax’, ‘successful self-management, and ‘what’s next for tenancy deposit protection’.
The latest podcast is called Zero to Hero and features Arden Hanley, a HMO professional landlord.