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Landlord fined £20k for putting tenants’ ‘health and wellbeing at risk’

A buy-to-let landlord who let ‘hazardous’ properties in Leyland has been fined £20,000.

Leyland Estates Ltd was prosecuted at Preston Magistrates Court after the firm, of Queens Road, Blackburn, ignored several calls to undertake remedial work.

The court heard how housing enforcement officers from the authority had inspected two properties in Stanifield Lane and Hough Lane and found a number of hazards, including inadequate heating provision, inadequate and dangerous electricity supply, inadequate cooking facilities and no fire alarms or means of escape in an emergency.


With Leyland Estates Ltd refusing to take action, South Ribble council eventually served prohibition orders, meaning that nobody was permitted to live at the property until it was brought up to the required standard.

However, despite the order being in place, Preston Magistrates heard how in one case, Leyland Estates Ltd re-let the property to a new tenant.

The company was prosecuted for non-compliance with the prohibition orders and non-compliance to requests for information in respect of the properties. It was found guilty in its absence and ordered to pay £5,000 for each offence committed – a total of £20,000.

Cllr Jacqui Mort, South Ribble’s cabinet member with responsibility for public health, safety and wellbeing, said: “Our environmental health officers will always work with landlords to offer support where necessary to help them improve the standards of housing within our borough.

“We have a duty to ensure that the properties are safe for the residents living there, and we take that duty extremely seriously.

“When landlords ignore our requests and put their tenant’s health and wellbeing at risk, we will always take action.

“We welcome the significant fines and hope they will serve as a warning to others.”

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  • icon
    • 23 March 2018 10:33 AM

    I for one would be delighted to hear about the abuses made by tenants. Even if only to counteract this incessant demonisation of landlords. I could prove a looooooooong list of these.


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