Ex-London mayor Ken Livingstone will take part in the Future of the UK Housing Market Debate at the National Landlord Investment Show in London next month, organisers of the show have confirmed.
The debate, which will kick-off the show that takes place at the London Olympia Conference Centre on 13 June, will be chaired by journalist and broadcaster Andrew Neil
The Future of the UK Housing Market Debate, which will take place from 10am until 11.15am, will be followed by Women in Property Seminar, from 1.30pm to 2.30pm, and the UK Development Hot-Spot Debate, which will take place 3.30pm – 4.30pm.
The show will also feature a series of other expert property panel discussions, which are free to attend for visitors that register their interest online and are on a first-come, first-served basis.
In addition to the property panels, there will also be a number of additional complimentary seminar sessions, covering the entire spectrum of buy-to-let, as well as over 100 exhibitors.
Registration is complimentary. Click here for more information.
National LIS will take place on the following dates in 2019:
13th June – London Olympia
8th October – Manchester United Football Club
5th November – London Olympia