Touchstone Education is planning to expand with the launch of online additions to its nationwide courses in property investment strategies.
The property investment training firm, which operates weekend seminars and courses for property investors, including buy-to-let landlords, is aiming to double its £3.5m turnover within the next 12 months with a revenue target of £10m by 2021.
The company has recently launched Touchstone Online – a learning tool that includes a series of video tutorials and webinars as well as access to a database of knowledge and ongoing one-to-one support from experienced property investors.
The company, founded 15 years ago, has also published a free-to-download Brexit Property Investment Manual, offering investors expert guidance of what actions they can take in the event of Britain leaving the European Union with or without a deal or that, in place of leaving, the country faces a general election or a second referendum.
Paul Smith, who runs the company with his wife, Aniko, commented: “Our customers are successful professionals and businesspeople, living busy lives in which time management is often their biggest challenge.
“By taking the content of our highly successful property investment courses and making them available online, in a convenient, accessible format will allow them to meet their goals without it impacting on their careers and family lives.”