The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has announced that the Welsh cabinet secretary responsible for housing policy, Julie James, will be the headline speaker at a conference on the future of the private rented sector in Wales, to be held in Cardiff next month.
The third annual conference will take place at the city’s Jury’s Inn on November 28th offering landlords a valuable insight into the future of the private rented sector in Wales.
The Future Renting Wales conference is being set up with a view to helping landlords understand increasingly complex new laws and regulations including the long-awaited implementation of the Renting Homes Act (Wales), expected next year.
Further sweeping changes are predicted, with all current and new tenancy agreements to be converted to the new standard contract, a fitness standard for private rented homes and measures to tackle retaliatory eviction.
Aside from James, there will be various speakers at the event, including Lucy Owen of BBC Wales, property expert Kate Faulkner, RLA policy director David Smith, along with Bethan Jones of Rent Smart Wales.
The conference is open to anyone with an interest in private rented housing, from those renting out a single property to portfolio landlords, letting agents, Assembly Members, councillors, journalists, and housing charities.
Douglas Haig, RLA vice-chair and director for Wales, who will also be speaking at the conference, said: “Hundreds of landlords have attended our Future Renting Conferences here in Wales to pick up valuable insights into the market and the impact of new legislation.
“We are delighted to welcome Julie James AM as our keynote speaker at this year’s event, which has a packed agenda offering everything the Welsh landlord needs to know, whether they have one property or a hundred.”
Early bird tickets start from just £35 for RLA members and £45 for non-members. Tickets are available by clicking here.