Gas Tag has launched a new feature to support landlords, housing providers, and contractors with compliance efforts during COVID-19.
The update, designed to ensure that landlords meet regulatory requirements, such as annual gas safety checks and other compliance services during the outbreak, will allow engineers to report a failed access attempt as due to a resident self-isolating.
The sector has been advised that it should continue to carry out gas and safety checks as normal. But the pandemic is causing issues for providers when attempting to carry out regulatory requirements, such as annual gas safety checks and other compliance services.
However, Gas Tag’s new feature will allow landlords and housing providers to run reports on this information to demonstrate attempts have been made but failed due to the pandemic. The contractor would simply need to mark an unable to access (UTA) due to self-isolation in their records.
In the event providers are unable to complete the work due to COVID-19, landlords are required to keep records and evidence, and so this new tool could prove valuable.
Peter Howe, chief technology officer at Gas Tag, said: “We have been talking to our clients throughout this outbreak and it was clear that they would be needing further support as they faced increasing difficulties accessing properties.
“Thanks to years of development work our product is easily adaptable and our team has worked hard behind the scenes to get this update ready and available as quickly as possible.
“The COVID-19 outbreak has meant we are all working in uncharted waters and having to adapt to changing conditions. We hope this update will help housing providers and contractors in their efforts to keep residents safe and meet their regulatory obligations.”