A new landlord organistaion has become the largest ever trade body in the letting sector after officially launching this morning.
The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA), which was initially scheduled to be introduced at the start of January, has a membership of more than 80,000 landlords.
The new organisation was formed after the National Landlords Association (NLA) and the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) agreed to merge in autumn last year, with a view to delivering a stronger voice for landlords in the private rented sector.
Jodi Berg is the NRLA’s new chairman, having previously spent 30 years working within the management of public and public interest bodies, gaining expertise in board governance, commercial negotiation and mergers.
Following an early career as a solicitor, she entered the ombudsman world specialising in resolving disputes and complaints, acting as the Independent Complaints Reviewer for HM Land Registry and housing sector regulators, the Housing Corporation and the Tenant Services Authority.
Her board experience includes a non-executive directorship of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme and chairmanship of public bodies including an NHS Trust, the Administrative Justice Forum and a probation service.
Announcing the appointment, Ben Beadle, NRLA chief executive, said: “Jodi comes to us with a wealth of experience of Board leadership and the lettings industry, gained over decades in the business and we are delighted to have her on board.
“While we are operating under unprecedented circumstances at present, we would like to reassure members that we are here to support them through these unchartered waters and that, as a united organisation, we are stronger together.”
Berg said: “I think the new NRLA has a bright future and it is great to be on board from day one.
“As an association we now represent more than 80,000 landlords and the more we grow this number, the stronger our voice will be. We need to encourage landlords to come together and support each other and work with other areas of the sector to bring about positive change for both landlords and tenants.”
The outgoing chairs, Alan Ward of the RLA and Adrian Jeakings of the NLA, remain on the NRLA’s board.