Seven Emergency Prohibition Orders have been served on one landlord by a Nottinghamshire Police force and local authority.
The seven properties in Hucknall were served the orders, meaning the properties cannot be legally occupied unless all works required are completed and the order is revoked.
Following a tip off from a utilities firm, Nottinghamshire council and police officers attended the properties; following inspection five of the premises were prohibited due to a lack of power and the health impacts of no heating, hot water or lighting and two further properties were prohibited due to a dangerous external staircase which is rotting and at risk of collapse.
A further notice has been served on the rear shared area behind the properties due to a large accumulation of waste.
Councillor John Wilmott of the local authority says: “It is shocking to hear that seven households were living without electricity and hot water, and that their landlord thought this was acceptable.”
Meanwhile Inspector Mark Dickson, district commander for Ashfield, adds: “We will continue to support the local authority with similar actions in the future, and will also not hesitate to take any other actions necessary to safeguard vulnerable people and to target those people we suspect of committing offences.”