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Private tenants want Flood Performance Certificates - claim

The government-backed reinsurance service Flood Re claims there’s substantial tenant support for the introduction of a Flood Performance Certificate.

An FPC, similar in principle to an Energy Performance Certificate, would provide tenants with a graded assessment of flood risk.

Flood Re says the pandemic has dramatically changed what prospective tenants want to know, and the introduction of such a certificate would encourage more landlords to install flood resilience measures and mitigate against future flood risk.


It claims 81 per cent of renters and owners support the idea.

“With increasing risks of flooding due to climate change, FPCs can provide peace of mind for families about their new home and act as a catalyst to encourage them to make changes to the property so it is more resilient to flooding. They are a real positive step towards building a more resilient housing stock in the UK” claims Andy Bord, Flood Re’s chief executive.

“Nobody can stop the rain from falling, but we can all be better prepared for when it arrives. Building a more resilient and flood prepared nation is a goal we can realise through working together and I would urge the UK government to look seriously at how FPCs can help them achieve this ambition” he continues.



This includes information on what measures have already been taken to protect the property from flooding and what actions needs to be taken in order to further reduce that risk.

A recent study by the reinsurer shows that more than half of UK adults - 55 per cent - seek to move home at some point in the near future, with 28 per cent looking to move in the next three years.

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  • icon
    • 21 December 2020 10:45 AM

    Here we go...!!!!

    Oh dear, sorry Mr. Tenant there are not enough blades of grass in the garden. I think you can sue me for it. Go ahead and I will pay your court fees too.

    Opps! A chipped brick. I am so naughty. I need to be pilloried and NOW - For a week at least.

    Oh! NO? I forgot to get out of bed at 3,30am to change a broken light bulb in the outdoor shed. Smack me in the face. I deserve it.
    I am so glad to be your slave.

    Oh! Goodness! My property is 99 years old, and has never flooded. I think I better rush out and buy an insurance policy for you at about £500 a year because you so deserve and need it.

  • girish mehta

    It’s the government and planning issue they should not build in flood prone areas.
    Another insurance backed media hype to protect their interests.
    Too many organising hype to make money for unnecessary certifications.
    Tenant is only renting a space to live. That’s all. he has control and choice if he does not like it

    How many tenants make a choice on one certificate I.e epc
    Will they reject the place if they like the property and fits their requirements because they they don’t like I point in epc?

    Will they be willing to pay extra rent so landlords can provide for all eventualities
    Not possible.
    Tenants you want to live in palaces the be prepared to pay for the services. Stop believing these looney organisation the promise freebies
    Nothing in life if free you end up paying on some way sooner or later

  • icon

    "81 per cent of renters and owners support the idea" I'm up for this. Another fee I have to pay added onto the rent along with surcharge just so 'Flood Reclaims' can give themselves a nice bonus at the end of the year.
    As Carlin said 'Do carry on'

    • 21 December 2020 13:59 PM

    As always, all that will happen if these extra costs come at me is that at the next rent review, there will be an additional increase on top of inflation of the amount that this fee comes to. PLUS, of course my extra 15% administration fee.

    If the tenants don't like it, then THEY, not ME should go and whinge at the Government about a pathetic flood certificate.

    Does the tenant really give a sh*t about flood certificates?

    And anyway, even if the house does flood, surely the Government or the local authority are to blame for allowing a house to made in a place subjected to flooding.

    It should never have happened in the first place.

  • icon

    "81 per cent of renters and owners support the idea"
    Hmm - so the question was probably "do you think it's a good idea for your landlord to have flood insurance" - 81% say yup.
    If the question went along the lines of "do you think it's a good idea for your landlord to increase your rent in order to cover flood insurance", 100% would say no!

    Lies, lies and damned statistics

  • icon

    It looks as if our right of reply to Shelter's claims in the adjoining thread have been curtailed.

    This is a pity because for once Shelter is right. We can, we do and we WILL discriminate - and we WILL get away with this discrimination - because otherwise how else can we decide who to rent to?

    Should it be based on any logical selection criteria - which means discrimination - or on a random basis - like always first come, first served.... or by raffle ticket .. or by drawing straws?

    If it's anything other than a purely random selection then it will always be discrimination - positive discrimination in favour of the fortunate tenants we choose, balanced by negative discrimination to the disadvantage of those we don't choose. Unless we only have two applicants for each empty property then there will, by definition, be more negative discrimination than positive discrimination. That's life!

    It was ever thus - even if the lefties try to thwart every selection process by removing or hiding or falsifying the information on which we make our selections - like they are doing now with abolishing school exams and letting them mark their own homework!

    Surely it's better to have a known, quantifiable and visible method of selection - like working tenants only - which time and experience has shown to work well, by and large - than an invisible method subject to hidden or unconscious bias with no scientific or verifiable basis and thus no means of subsequent quantification of its level of success and hence justification?

  • icon

    And then we will need a certificate certificate to certify we are giving enough certificates.


    We'll all end up certified!

  • icon

    Just look up flood warnings and by postcode you can see the risks in any location. What brain dead fool is asking for something on paper that is easily available already. Clearly this outfit getting a free advert here is not required. Probably why they are banging a drum for more business they are not entitled to. It's another scam boys and girls.

  • icon

    How many more things can they dream up, using the Tenants name as an excuse. The Tenants must be sick of it, those groups for ever forcing up LL's costs and Tenants Rents.


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