A council in the Lake District is inviting new and existing private landlords to register with Property Links, its free matching service for letting properties.
The scheme is completely free, with no finder’s fee or commission to pay.
A statement from the council says benefits for landlords include income assessments for potential tenants, a Housing Health and Safety Rating assessment, full photographic inventory at the start and end of a tenancy with inspections, as well as what it calls “administrative support for landlords and tenants for drawing up of tenancy agreements, or housing benefit claims, amongst other things.”
Eden district council’s private rented accommodation officer, Richard Liddle, says: “If you’re a landlord and you’re tired of paying letting fees then this tailor-made service matching tenants with landlords could be just what you’re looking for.
“Our vision is to match people facing homelessness with private landlords looking for long-term tenants. Unlike many letting schemes, we don’t believe in a one size fits all approach. We tailor our support for each tenant, based upon their needs, throughout the whole of the tenancy.”
After an inspection to ensure the property is in reasonable condition and that all safety and security standards are met, the landlord is registered with the service and assigned a dedicated ‘support officer.’
That person will then seek to match a tenant with property – although there is no obligation on the landlord to take the recommended tenant.