Another council in the south of England is asking landlords and letting agents in its area how the Coronavirus crisis has hit their local rentals sector activities.
Crawley Borough Council, in partnership with other local authorities in Sussex, is asking landlords to complete a survey by June 25.
The authority says the end of furlough and other economic support measures, plus the increase in unemployment which may be more apparent shortly, has placed many people in private rented housing under financial pressure.
The authority says it’s concerned that following the end of the evictions ban 10 days ago, there is the risk of a large increase in the number of people requiring homelessness support and advice.
Councillor Ian Irvine, cabinet member for housing at Crawley council, says: “We have seen a significant increase in demand to the council’s Housing Options services in 2020 and so far in 2021 and we are taking wider steps to combat homelessness and the impact of the eviction ban being lifted.
“This county-wide survey will help give us a detailed picture of the situation in Crawley and the rest of West Sussex, enabling us to prioritise support where it is most needed.”
To complete the survey, click here before the closing date of June 25.