A cloud-based property management platform aimed at landlords has secured over £1m in addition funding.
In its own words, Lofti’s platform will create “the first end-to-end, automated and scalable product to streamline both the rental and property management process.”
The cloud-based document management system handles contracts, EPCs, communications and maintenance records in a GDPR compliant environment, available to tenants and landlords.
Lofti will provide a range of services including the UK’s first analytics platform to enable landlords and owners to predict and resolve the maintenance issues in their properties.
This is achieved by using data science to analyse the causes of common problems within buildings, appliances and fixtures.
Lofti is also providing the UK’s first on-demand fixed price booking system for vetted contractors: landlords and tenants will be able to post details and photos of the work they need completed.
Local accredited contractors, such as plumbers and electricians, can then accept the job in a similar way to Uber drivers accepting a fare. Users, including tenants, are able to track the arrival time of their contractor, communicate, agree and pay fees, and sign off work via the Lofti app.
Andreas Gkerazis, CEO and Founder of Lofti, says: “We know a lot of us put off repairs because we are concerned over costs or can’t find someone we trust. Our on-demand vetted contractor booking system has the capacity to transform access to trusted and affordable home maintenance services.
“Our focus is removing every pain point from the home maintenance and repair process. This means reducing the time and stress of finding the right contractor, negotiating fees and booking a convenient time.”