Yet another lettings agency says the private rental sector would be wise to encourage tenants with pets.
Earlier this week it was Carter Jonas and now Intus Lettings has come out in favour of change.
A survey of 500 UK landlords by Intus revealed that the most common reasons for not allowing pets include fear of damage, bad smells and the fact that many leaseholds ban animals in properties.
The subject has become controversial this year with the issue of the government’s new Model Tenancy Agreement in January.
The agreement – not widely used by landlords or agents – now has a default position of landlords being expected to allow pets.
Hope McKendrick, head of lettings at Intus, says: “Under the new [tenancy agreement] landlords in England can no longer put a blanket ban on pets within their properties and responsible tenants with well-behaved pets will be able to secure leases more easily through a new standard tenancy agreement.
“The decision has been the topic of much debate since the announcement, but the fact is that being pet friendly can make properties more appealing and encourages loyalty among tenants.
“Of course, there are considerations for landlords to make in terms of protecting their property and many options have been discussed in parliament, including higher deposits, referencing for pets and specific insurance.”
Intus’ research found that 55 per cent of landlords support the change, 24 per cent strongly support and just 18 per cent oppose it.
McKendrick goes on: “When the government revealed the changes, it stated just seven per cent of private landlords currently advertise pet friendly properties, which is incredible when you consider that almost 80 per cent of landlords are supportive of the updated agreement.
“As long as tenants remain respectful to their landlords, I’ve no doubt that the decision to take a more flexible approach to pets will benefit all parties.
“It makes commercial sense to landlords.”