Labour says the funding of social care could be achieved by increasing tax on landlords.
Party leader Sir Keir Starmer is today expected to tell the Local Government Association – which represents councils in England and Wales – that paying for social care primarily through National Insurance, as planned by the government, is unfair.
The BBC, which has seen an advance copy of the speech, says he will say: “Working people will pay more tax now, but might still have to sell their home to pay even more later.
“This is an unfair plan that doesn’t work. And who is left with the bill? It’s working people. It’s especially low earners and young people who have already borne the brunt of the economic impact of the pandemic.
Government plans, he will say, leave “a private landlord renting out multiple properties not paying a penny more in tax, and their hard-working tenants to pick up the burden”.
And he adds: “The money could have been raised by taxing the incomes of landlords, and those who buy and sell large quantities of financial assets, stocks shares”.
He will also say the government proposals will see “an Amazon worker’s taxes raised, but Amazon itself able to squirrel profits away in tax havens and only pay a fraction of what high street shops do”.
Here’s the BBC story.