The National Residential Landlords Association is joining forces with Flintshire council in Wales to stage a virtual landlord forum.
The Zoom event, on Wednesday December 8 from 6pm, is billed as an opportunity for landlords to hear news, ask questions, meet other landlords and find out about local services – NRLA members can book directly through their account and non-members via [email protected].
Gill Owens from the NRLA will be providing an update on legislation including Renting Homes Wales Act 2016 and changes to the possession process; there will also be a summary of changes to EPC requirements for landlords.
Flintshire council’s housing team will provide information on support available, including the Tenancy Hardship Grant for private rented sector tenants, and there will be an overview of housing standards and how the local authority can assist landlords and agents.
This will include details about the assistance available to landlords to help them comply with Rent Smart Wales (RSW) Code of Practice and how to apply for any available energy grants.