The Home Office has issued yet another iteration of its guidance for landlords on how to conduct Right To Rent checks.
The previous update was on July 6 but the new one – dated December 17 – takes into account recent government announcements on the EU Settlement Scheme applicable to those EUSS applicants who are seeking to join family members in the UK.
EUSS applicants and joining family members will now be able to enter into new tenancy agreements while they await the outcome of their EUSS application.
Home Office guidance remains that where a prospective tenant has a Certificate of Application confirming a valid application to the EUSS made on or after July 1 this year, agents and landlords should verify this with the Home Office Landlord Checking Service.
The other significant updates contained in the guidance relate to changes to the lists of acceptable documents which applicants can produce, and an extension to the Covid-19 temporary checking process introduced early in the pandemic period.
You can see the amended Right To Rent guidance in full here.