Specialist but to let lender Keystone Property Finance has pledged to help UK landlords who want to house Ukrainian refugees.
There have been growing concerns that landlords who want to participate in the government’s Homes For Ukraine scheme risk breaking their mortgage and insurance conditions.
The problems have centred around whether a BTL mortgage allows additional people to live in the property, while Assured Shorthold Tenancy agreements typically state who the tenants are.
But Keystone managing director says her firm wants to make it as easy as possible for landlords to sign up.
“That’s why we are urging brokers who have landlord clients who wish to sign up to call us, so we can make sure the process is as smooth as it possible can be” she says.
Under the scheme – which so far has had over 150,000 expressions of interest from landlords, home owners and tenants – the landlord or sponsor (tenant) will receive the £350 per month for up to 12 months as a payment from the UK government for housing a Ukrainian national.
Sponsorship packs will be offered to people applying for the scheme once they have been approved as a sponsor, following standard security checks.
The local council will also visit the accommodation being offered to ensure everything is in place for the refugee, who will pay no rent to the landlord/sponsor.
The landlord will still be able to enter the property if the whole property is given to the refugee. The refugee is a guest of the landlord and as such has a right to enter the property.
If the Ukrainian is to occupy an empty flat or property, tenancy agreement wording will be provided by the National Residential Landlords Association to the landlord for their completion.