A group delivering tenant relations training claims thousands of illegal evictions are made possible because many local councils have no trained tenancy relations officers.
Safer Renting’s analysis claims that in the year 2020 there were 6,930 recorded cases of illegal eviction or harassment of tenants, while only 12 landlords were convicted.
It goes on to claim there is an “alarming disparity” between cases of illegal eviction or harassment and convictions, figures indicate that only 0.17 per cent of landlords who have committed these offences were convicted.
The group – which cites support from two London-based Labour politicians – then says in the year 2021 there were 7,778 recorded cases of illegal eviction and harassment – prosecution figures for 2021 are not yet available.
The figures are from one official source but along with information from the Legal Aid Agency, Citizens Advice, Shelter and Safer Renting itself.
“The count is an underestimate of the scale of the problem as it does not include those who sought advice from other agencies, those who sought advise but were unable to attain it because of limited capacity or those who did not seek advice for the issues they faced” claims Safer Renting.
The group concludes: “Local Authorities have the power to prosecute cases of illegal eviction and harassment.
“However, many local authorities across England and Wales have no trained tenancy relations officers, meaning that renters who suffer illegal eviction or harassment are left without protection or justice.”