A portfolio landlord’s deal for an £11m re-financing package has been struck with a bank.
The landlord was looking to refinance 63 houses and flats in the North West, valued at a combined £11m, releasing capital in order to expand the portfolio still further.
The landlord had reassessed their needs following the recent Bank of England.
Following a meeting with the landlord to establish their future needs, Shawbrook Bank agreed to an £8.5m five-year fixed interest only mortgage geared across the properties with a Loan To Value of 75 per cent, plus a £15m lending facility.
This was arranged with a standard personal guarantee of 25 per cent and no debenture requirement.
The deal frees up equity and provides the resource for the landlord to buy further properties in future, and protects from future rate rises over the next five years.
A Shawbrook Bank spokesperson says: “We pride ourselves on our ability to look at each case that comes across our desk on an individual basis no matter the complexity. This case demonstrates this ability as well as the strength of the team’s relationship with Empire Finance and our appetite to lend. It’s important that brokers are able to build relationships with our team and feel able to speak directly to the decision makers on their case. Being able to do so gave both the broker and the landlord confidence in our ability to get this deal across the table.
“There are significant opportunities within the market for ambitious property investors and at Shawbrook we have invested significantly in our technology to ensure that we can be agile whilst still offering that bespoke service that we know brokers and their clients need.”