Housing campaigners want the government to give English councils planning power to refuse Airbnbs
Action on Short-Term Lets, a campaign group, has launched a campaign for English councils to have the right to refuse the conversion of entire homes into Airbnbs or other short lets.
The campaign is calling on people to respond to a government consultation on a registration scheme for short-term lets which closes tomorrow, September 21.
The activists claim that the numbers of residential houses being converted into short term accommodation for tourists in England is on the rise, and say this is depriving communities of much needed homes for local people in many popular tourism destinations.
Whilst both the Scottish and Welsh governments have introduced measures that allow councils to ban the conversion of residential houses into entire house short term lets, the English government has yet to act.
Will McMahon, director of Action on Empty Homes, says: “The majority of listings are not hosts letting out spare rooms in their own homes, but are for whole houses. This sucks properties out of the housing market, reduces housing for locals, fragments communities, and displaces long term renters where landlords switch to short-term letting.
“Ultimately, the consequences are less housing and increased costs for renters and buyers alike.”
Isaac Rose, organiser at the Greater Manchester Tenants Union – closely connected with the anti-short let’s campaign – adds: “Whilst licensing would improve standards and conditions, much more is needed to curb the damaging effects that short-term lets are having on housing supply, and the erosion of local communities. We need to give councils the power to refuse whole house conversions to Airbnb lets.”
Action on Short-Term Lets says it will be calling a national meeting of all interested groups later in 2022.