A council has prosecuted a landlord operating a property firm for not producing the right paperwork.
Luton local authority has prosecuted Poplar Homes Ltd and its director Sarfraz Yousaf for not providing the necessary documentation which allegedly hindered the council’s enforcement process.
The defendants both pleaded guilty at Luton Magistrate’s Court and were fined.In the case of Poplar Homes the court fined it a total of £3.977, plus a victim surcharge of £1.231, and costs of £508, totalling £5,716.
Yousaf was fined £768, plus a victim surcharge of £307, resulting in a total fine of £1,075
In the summer of last year the council received a complaint relating to poor condition of a property in the town.
The complaint related to the property not having any fixed heating provision, no hot water service and inadequate water services. It was also reported that there were no smoke detectors and the electric cooker was inappropriately connected and not conforming to current standards.
Poplar Homes was asked to provide the necessary information including ownership details and gas and electrical safety certificates, but repeatedly failed to do so and the council subsequently began legal proceedings.
Following the court process the company has been required to make the necessary improvements to the property.
Councillor Tom Shaw, portfolio holder for housing, says: “When we hear of a complaint against a private landlord we will always investigate the situation. Part of this requires us to be satisfied that the necessary documents are held and failure to demonstrate that is a serious offence in its own right.
“The quality of the property investigated was not of a sufficiently high standard and we have demanded that the landlords resolve this as quickly as possible. Being a landlord is a serious business. Tenants deserve to be treated properly and we will do all we can to make sure this is the case.”