Lendlord, a platform for the property investment space, has launched a Tenants App to streamline the way renters communicate with landlords.
The new app will enable Lendlord users to provide their tenants with access to a personalised dashboard where they can view documents including EPC, Gas Safety Certificate, Right To Rent paperwork, a welcome pack and more.
In addition, tenants will be able to track their payment schedule and make in-app payments, as well as reporting maintenance issues and communicating with their landlords using the app.
The new app will also enable landlords to onboard new tenants and generate an AST agreement instantly.
Lendlord claims to provide a safe and secure place in the cloud in which to place all the information to manage investments, tenants and tenancies, track monthly income and expenses, understand financing options and to analyse potential property acquisitions.
The platform says it’s currently being used to manage more than 50,000 investment properties.
Chief executive Aviram Shahar says: “Lendlord provides an enhanced digital platform to manage the portfolio and track investments’ performance. Successfully onboarding and managing a relationship with tenants is vital and the new app makes this part of the investment easier than ever before.”