A council’s version of a private lettings agency is inviting landlords to an event co-organised by the National Residential Landlords Association.
Ashford council’s ABC Lettings operation says the forum in February will be held against a backdrop of an increasing number of landlords selling up and leaving the market.
ABC Lettings says it works with private sector landlords by offering a fully managed service for investors who want a low risk hands off management service, while for experienced landlords it offers a tenant find service.
Victoria Henham of ABC Lettings says: “We have tenants who are ready to move into a landlord’s rented properties and we can offer a flexible package to suit each landlord’s needs. Our main focus is to ensure that local people who might otherwise face becoming homeless are given the opportunity to make a longer term home for themselves in the private rented sector, backed by all the experience and support that the local authority can provide”
ABC currently manages more than 200 properties across Ashford, Folkestone and Hythe, and claims to offer “a no hassle, no hidden cost lettings service – and all from an organisation which is not motivated by profit and which has a reputation for a careful and considered approach.”
At the forum ABC will outline the range of services it can offer landlords while the NRLA will update on the Renters Reform Bill.
The event takes place on Wednesday February 21 from 9.30am-3.30pm at the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce at Ashford Business Point in Ashford. More details on the NRLA website at https://www.nrla.org.uk/events/meetings/5944