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Licensing Latest - another council goes out to consultation

Stockton-on-Tees is the latest council seeking people's views on the introduction of Selective Licensing for private rented housing.

It launched a consultation this week, claiming the licensing was “part of its plans to drive up private rental property standards and management.”

Under the proposals, all private landlords operating in a designated Selective Licensing area would be required to obtain a licence from the council.


The licence would be valid for five years and would contain a series of conditions that the licence holder will be required to comply with.

Councillor Nigel Cooke, Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Housing says: "Central Stockton and North Thornaby are areas in our Borough experiencing low housing demand and where the number of privately rented properties far exceeds the national average, so it's really important that people tell us what they think about the Selective Licensing Scheme.

"Your responses will also help us to address issues faced by residents in Newtown, where there are high levels of crime and anti-social behaviour and again there are high concentrations of private rented housing. 

“All replies to the consultation will inform our decision-making, so I would urge everyone to complete the survey to share your thoughts."

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  • icon

    So, unusually, supply exceeds demand. That sort of implies that tenants have that rarest of things, CHOICE!. And I assume there's competition for those tenants. So landlords need to up their game to attract tenants. Sounds like a perfect housing market.
    Why oh why then interfere? It can't be the money can it? ..... oh yes it is, just another money grabbing scam from the Council

    Richard LeFrak

    And I bet the rents are very competitive and lower than anywhere else.

  • icon

    Absolutely Doug, and what result do they expect from the consultation, oh surprise Tenants will approve the idea, so the Council have it rubber stamped.

    What a sad state this country is in, it’s now a crime to waive our flag. The migrants our successive governments have allowed in abuse the system.
    The majority of rogue Landlords have exotic names, but you mustn’t say anything because that would be racism.
    Tenants have rights Landlords don’t, Councils are too powerful.

    I’m lucky, I have good Tenants originating from many Countries, so I’m not a racist, it’s the scum we allow in that’s the problem.
    Worse still the Government allows them to stay.

    What a joke the authorities are in this Country, except it’s not funny.

  • icon

    I haven’t seen a Consultation yet that wasn’t fake. They don’t ask the people involved, the landlords or the Tenants but the general Public to get the answer’s they want.


    In Brent, the consultation included tenants, Landlords and local businesses and despite a slim majority objecting plus some extremely robust statements disagreeing with licencing, they still went ahead, listening to no one that objected. In 7 years, none of my properties were ever inspected including my HMO’s. Yet another shameful money grab, a licence that means nothing.


    Has there ever been a consultation and the result was not to proceed with a licence scheme?


    @Nick Duncan Nottingham Council wanted to inspect 1 properties over the last 5 years, only problem is none of my tenants wanted to take part, they all refused entry. I was then threatened with penalties for non compliance. I told the council I would seek a court order if they would cover the costs as they wanted the access. They opted to do a external inspection only.

    • A JR
    • 11 November 2023 20:03 PM

    Council Consultation! We’ve seen all this countless times before and have learnt that the reality is councils will design, warp and corrupt their ‘so called ‘consultations’ to meet their own financial ends off the backs of LLs and consequently tenants.

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    Nick, careful what you wish for I have had the inspections and they put me through the ringer.
    Like them kitchen units are made of wood they could burn did you ever seen them made of anything else, so you’ll have to fire proof those and as it happens she had specification for that 3 coat of specialist paint system £150. just to buy and now the units are discoloured looks terrible. Fire door to loft and specification nothing up there only insulation, window restrictors (tenants break them all off). Notice Board in living room loaded with all the up to date documents, oh that shouldn’t be there it should be in the hallway, ok I moved it then documents on the floor with people rubbing against it with a bag on their back, and did come back again to check it was done, did you know the license Application fee only covers one visit and subsequent visits are chargeable its over £100. probably more now.
    Yes we had Consultations the Mayhew Report, when a guy came from York and told us what was coming in, there you go that’s your Consultation and the Council paid him over £100k for that (a good investment).

  • Clare Dundas

    Time to sell up and move from residential to commercial


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