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HMRC in Special Appeal to Landlord Today readers

HMRC has contacted Landlord Today to make a direct appeal to readers to explain the benefits of submitting their 2022 to 2023 tax return early.

A spokesperson told us that while HMRC appreciates that some landlords find tax difficult, there are benefits from tackling the return earlier than necessary.

It’s issued a quick guide and top tips for landlords completing their tax returns. Here we go with HMRC’s information:


The best time to submit your Self Assessment tax return is now 

Did you know you can submit your Self Assessment tax return for the 2022 to 2023 tax year from 6 April 2023? 

You might be thinking, now why would I want to do that, the deadline is not until 31 January? No one particularly enjoys organising their taxes, many find it a daunting task, and so of course it’s tempting to put it off while you can. But why not make this the year that you change your approach, and discover the benefits of early filing? 

HMRC has recently revealed that the number of Self Assessment customers who choose to file their tax return on the first day of the tax year (6 April 2023) has more than doubled since 2018, with 77,500 customers submitting their tax return for the 2022 to 2023 tax year on 6 April 2023, compared to almost 37,000 customers on 6 April 2018 for the 2017 to 2018 tax year. 

Here’s why they’re doing it, and why you should join the growing numbers of early filers. 

Early filing does not mean early payment 

Choosing to file your tax return early does not mean you have to pay HMRC any money early. The 31 January deadline for payment remains unchanged. If you choose to pay your tax bill earlier for your own convenience, that’s fine. When you file early, you get to know what your tax bill is going to be, which can help you plan ahead. 

Know what you owe 

Knowing what you owe means you can arrange your finances appropriately before the Self Assessment deadline on 31 January. It puts you in control so you can plan how you’ll make the payments to cover the bill, whether you choose to spread the costs over time or just stick with lump sum payments. Customers can pay their tax bill in around 60 seconds via the free and secure HMRC app. 

Set up a budget plan 

HMRC offers a Budget Payment Plan facility. Customers can choose how much and how often they want to pay by Direct Debit – putting you in full control of managing your bill. You can find out more on GOV.UK. 

Get any refund faster 

If you’ve paid too much tax during the 2022 to 2023 tax year, HMRC will let you know as soon as your tax return has been processed and arrange for any overpayment to be refunded. That’s money in your pocket months before you’d get it if you put off filing your return until nearer the deadline. 

Have time to understand if you need help and to get that help 

The cost of living means many people are experiencing financial pressures right now and if you’re feeling the pinch, your tax bill will probably be a further source of worry. The best thing is to do is to not put off filing your return. Filing early will mean you have more time to look into your payment options if you’re unable to pay in full by the deadline. HMRC is keen to help customers explore these options, which may include paying your tax bill in instalments through a Time to Pay arrangement, many customers can set this up online. See if this could work - visit GOV.UK. 

If you’re applying for a mortgage, loan, lease or you want to access certain benefits and schemes such as Tax-Free Childcare, then you’ll need proof of income. Completing your tax return sooner gives you that proof and it means you’ll have an extra year’s worth of accounts which will save you time if you need it. 

Goodbye to last minute stress 

There’s absolutely nothing worse than the panic that sets in with an impending and important deadline, which only gets worse when you realise you’ve made a mistake or have forgotten something that you need for your tax return. 

HMRC offers the following additional advice for those interested in getting started with their tax return right now:

- If this is your first time completing Self Assessment, you’ll need to register and get your Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR). Allow yourself time to sort this out. You can find out more GOV.UK.

- Think digital first. Last year, 97% of customers filed their Self Assessment tax returns online. HMRC has lots of helpful advice on how to complete your Self Assessment on GOV.UK.

- Beware of scammers. Tax scams come in many forms. Some offer a rebate while others threaten arrest for tax evasion. If someone contacts you saying they’re from HMRC, never let yourself be rushed, especially if they want you to urgently transfer money or give personal information. HMRC will never ring up threatening arrest. Make sure to take your time and if you’re unsure, check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK.

- Protect your login details. Your HMRC account contains your personal information such as your bank account details. So don’t share your HMRC login with anyone, including your tax agent if you use one.

Hopefully we’ve convinced you that there are only positives to filing a Self Assessment early. So why not make a start today? 

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  • icon

    I'm all for doing it early but mortgage and pension companies seem to be incapable of recognising the beginning of April as being the end of the tax year and issuing annual statements accordingly. My accountant has had 95% of the information since mid April but without those last 2 or 3 statements can't finalise or submit my tax return.
    If HMRC wanted to do something useful they would get the government to mandate that all financial institutions issue annual statements in April.

    Peter  Roberts

    I totally agree
    Fortunately I am lucky enough to be able to get pension P60s online not long after 6/6 of each year.

    Alan Bonde

    If HMRC really really wanted to get the Govt to do something useful they would push for the tax year to be aligned with the calendar year just like the rest of the world.
    This would save an awful lot of jiggling around due to this 3 months out of phase with everything else situation.

  • icon

    I did my 5 weeks ago ..still waiting on it being assessed. What’s the point doing it early if they still cant assess it early.


    ME as well, I get mine and done earily every year

  • icon

    I noticed they did not mention that it spreads their workload rather than having a rush in January!

  • George Dawes

    I'll help them as much as they help me ..

  • Franklin I

    Landlord's also have an urgent appeal too, on mortgage tax relief!


    Franklin you should have a milllion likes.

  • icon

    HMRC is only saying this as it is important for them only. - 1. No mad rush in January and February. Their staff have not got a lot to do between March and December. They may need to hire extra staff in January and February. 2. They need to provide figures to the government what extra revenue has been collected from landlords for their forecasts, in addition to monthly PAYE from businesses and their employees. This is the reason, they are changing the dates from 31st January filing date to quarterly updates on their income and expenditure.
    From April 2026, self-employed individuals and landlords with an income of more than £50,000 will be required to keep digital records and provide quarterly updates on their income and expenditure to HMRC through MTD-compatible software.
    Between my husband and myself our income is less than £50k. Possible to increase by 2026, but I am considering selling of 2 bedroom apartment and getting a one bedroom or a studio to reduce income by end of 2024. The 2 bedroom apartment is on 5 year fixed rate mortgage since last year. There is another house, which we hope to keep for a very long time. 2 properties in our names, the rest in our company name. Even within the company, we will sell at least one property within 6 months, when the fixed rate finishes and 2 of them will be paid off. The remaining all fixed for 4.5 years. So income after all costs, excluding interest payments will be under £50k. Planning to never have an income more than £50k. From 2027, we may have to do quarterly as may reach £30k, or avoid renting the 2nd property, just for personal use. HMRC wants people to submit tax returns for their own benefit. No benefit to the Landlords or businesses, as they must know their own affairs. I am going to complete my tax returns on a spreadsheets within the next week as usual but not wish to submit to HMRC, until I choose to. Just because about 78k people have does not mean it is in the interest of all the tax payers.

  • icon

    Franklin I, yes, we as landlords are appealing for S24, just like all other businesses. We do not want a dictatorial government to tell us what tenants we can have, UC, with pets who damage the properties or any tenants who cause too much administration. Safety and maintenance issues all landlords can live with, as it is in everyone's interest. But removing S24 and now it will soon be removal of S.21 is undemocratic behaviour and moving towards communism. As landlords we should have a say in who stays in our property.

  • icon

    Impossible to do when you have to wait 6 months for Service Managers to provide their year end service charge certificates.

  • icon

    Its all very well to say do it early in an ideal world. Waiting for Annual Statement’s might be a minor inconvenience I think, bigger issues like rent arrears what do you do with this, are you going to declare money you didn’t get but might well come-in later and before you make your return in January.
    Otherwise are you going to let it run into the following year inflating that years income and possibly putting you in a higher tax bracket, of Course you might not receive it at all which would be no surprise given they are encouraging Tenants to damage the landlord as much as possible and there will be no consequences.

  • icon

    Are we not paying a lot of tax in advance anyway some based on previous year ?. Paying in January and July but that’s not the end of it, there’ll be an adjustment figure in January add on if you income is up on previous years ?. They should love us not hate us.


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