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Angry reaction to latest rent controls suggestion

The National Residential Landlords Association has reacted angrily to the latest UK government to flirt with adopting the Scottish example of private sector rent controls.

The Welsh Government has issued a Green Paper on what it describes as ‘fair rents and adequate housing’ and these look at the possibility of rent controls - previously dismissed by the Welsh Government but now apparently under consideration after all.

A statement from the NRLA says that for landlords active in the Welsh private rented sector, this is the time to ensure their views are taken account during the development of policy proposals which will be set out in the forthcoming White Paper from the Welsh Government.


Ben Beadle, NRLA chief executive, says: “The Green Paper highlights the key issues as housing supply and affordability of rents in Wales. Let’s be clear, rent controls would serve only to decimate the sector further and would be a disaster for tenants, when so many are already struggling to find a place to rent.

“The [housing] minister herself diagnosed the issues when she rightly rejected calls for a rent freeze before Christmas. The same reasons apply now. We all want to see more homes available to rent but adopting the tried and failed ideology of rent controls is not the way to do it. The best way is to introduce pro-growth measures to increase housing supply that will reduce costs for renters.

“Now is the time for landlords to get involved and for the Welsh Government listen carefully to the views of those providing much needed homes.”

Interested parties can see the consultation and how to reply to it here.

In the past Welsh housing minister Julie James has said: “If you have to freeze a rent and you are on a buy to let mortgage and your costs are going up as a landlord then you are not going to be able to cover your costs - why would you stay in the market?”

And: "Especially in rising inflation, where if you put your money in the bank, you might get a decent return on it - which hasn't been the case for some years.”

And she has said: "We have to be really careful here that we balance the rights of tenants and the rights of landlords and we keep up a supply of housing so we can keep people housed."

The NRLA has prepared a summary of the remarks and you can read an overview here.

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  • icon

    And you thought it couldn’t get any worse in Wales….


    I was under no illusion that this 'was on the cards' and would be the next step in destroying what is left of the PRS in Wales.
    We have a communist inspired government in coalition with the ultra left nationalist lunatics in Plaid Cymru, so you would not expect anything less.
    I have made my mind up to get out completely and will be selling all of my rental properties over the next few years.
    If they do this, in the meantime, I will be putting rents up to the maximum allowed every year.

  • John Ahmed

    More stupidity!!!!!
    Time for the landlords association to legally see if they can press government on this madness, otherwise there will be thousands of people on the street at the governments door, perhaps the government will rent extra hotels to put homeless tenants in?


    They are busy filling the hotels with all of the boat people. Our own people will be put on the street.

  • Richard LeFrak

    Ok with me to put rent controls in but my caveat is the following. Whatever the mortgage payment is plus 35%, that way you have a sustainable business. Doubt they would want that though.



    If you mean a 35% uplift on the standard variable rate on 100% of the current market value then I agree.

    With no Section 21 and minimal deposit, no responsibility for repair bills, no stamp duty, estate agent or legal fees, tenants would still be getting a bargain compared to buying at a 50% uplift but politicians etc. aren't numerate enough to work this out.

  • icon

    The way I deal with rent controls and indefinite tenancies in Scotland is to only rent to students who won't stay indefinitely.

    My best property has just had a 33% rent increase from £2100 to £2800 per month, volunteered by 4 desperate students who realised the huge shortage of rental properties in Scotland now.

    Rent controls along with indefinite tenancies are a disaster for families wanting to rent long term.

    This is possibly the best message to get across to any politicians who think both would only harm Landlords and help decent tenants.

  • icon

    The cities will resemble the tent 🏕 camps of Las Vegas 🆘🆘

  • icon

    As the housing crisis deepens across the U.K. Gov will have little option but to introduce rent freezes and eviction bans.
    Obvious in my view as there is simply not enough rental housing. Letting LLs sell up is NOT going to be Gov policy, they won’t have enough roofs over heads.
    I am reducing my stock while I still can.

  • icon

    100% correct. I'm in Scotland and we already have a ban on evictions and a rent freeze, now we're allowed to raise rents by 3%.... I've just sold another property, that's 3 down and will sell the rest too.... If I'm allowed to... I think you're right.... The next step will be a ban on selling our own properties.... when the idiots that call the shots finally wake up, smell the coffee and realise what a shambles they've created with their regular kicking of landlords. Another option will be compulsory purchasing of second homes at a price they see fair... It certainly won't be near the market value.... Anyone who doesn't think this is possible needs to think again. F*** that! .. I'm out!!


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