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Landlords urged to pay hundreds for basic anti-burglary advice

Private landlords and managing agents are being invited to take part in a new anti-burglary scheme being run by a Labour-controlled council in London. 

It will cost £500 plus VAT and Kensington and Chelsea says it’s the first council to offer the so-called Enhanced Home Security Scheme which provides what it calls “specific and bespoke crime prevention advice … where a full inspection of the property is conducted.”

A Crime Prevention Specification based on findings will be provided after the inspection and once the recommended security enhancements are put in place and - in the council’s words - “the good practice document and guidance for existing and new tenants explained” the landlord or managing agent would receive an Enhanced Home Security Scheme Completion Certificate.


The council says the aim of the project is to reduce the number of residential burglaries in the borough. 

The Enhanced Home Security Scheme is a discretionary project and is on a voluntary application process. It is not a mandatory or statutory scheme that private sector landlords or managing agents must join. 

But a statement from the council says: “However, the Community Safety Services encourages private sector landlords / managing agents to take part in this project with the added knowledge that by doing so that they are contributing to the overall reduction in residential burglary in the borough.” 

A council spokesperson says: “Everyone deserves to feel safe in their home and Kensington and Chelsea is a very safe borough, but we did see a one per cent increase in burglary in the last year and we want to see this intrusive crime fall. This scheme will help private landlords to protect their tenants’ homes with bespoke advice to protect people and property against the effects of burglary.

“I encourage private landlords and managing agents to sign up to this opportunity and have the added knowledge that by doing so you are contributing to reducing this intrusive crime in our neighbourhoods.”

And the council cites a private landlord - Dennis Xavier - as an advocate of the scheme.

He says: “I highly recommend other private landlords to use this scheme. It will be a good advantage for them and give their property a good name.

“My tenants have told me that they are very happy with the enhanced security features. We did this for our tenants benefit mainly because they are happy and can sleep comfortably and be protected.

“It was really easy to get in touch with the council, I called the number, had someone attend to give their advice and followed it. I then had people install the extra security features and was presented with my certificate.”

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  • icon

    why pay for advice that most security companies will provide gratis?


    True Alex but they are trying to sell you THEIR products.

  • icon

    Stunned 😲 I do this every week, day in day out as part of my job, I work on an area which has very wealthy home owners and guess what my charge is for this bespoke service? ……… a cup of tea or coffee, and sometimes I get a biscuit 🍪 or two 😂😂. The Police do this for FREE. I can sum this up relatively quickly, change any euro cylinders for anti-snap ones, get a house alarm that has the ability to have outdoor sensors so it goes off when they are in your rear garden or side passage, I would change any large piece of glass in a patio door etc for laminated, if you have a keyless car use a faraday pouch to prevent relay thefts, fit a post on your drive if you have one or a steering wheel 🛞 lock., cctv is fine but they wear balaclavas so it doesn’t worry them. In terms of trackers they know where the manufacturers ones are (they rip them out), so an Apple air tag or similar is a good idea to add as an extra…… there you go 👮🏻‍♀️ A brief synopsis of what advice I often give…. And all FREE 💰💰

    Richard LeFrak

    Agreed Simon good points and can tell where every tracker is fitted on most cars....

  • icon

    Another Council lines up to sooner rather than later make ‘property security’ their latest raft of regulation. Completely predictable. Another compliance cost looming up.

  • icon

    Probably link themselves in to monitor your every move, like the Deposit Scheme’s.

  • icon

    What would help is if police investigated crime and if criminal courts were to do their jobs properly


    And if convicted criminals were jailed - or even better, flogged or hanged!

  • Richard LeFrak

    Here we go again another Champagne Socialist council offering services against theft and burglary...

    Lets start with the theft of landlords business expenses via taxation and the theft of rent by Shelter and Acorn with illegal advice to tenants.

  • jeremy clarke

    How about these councils just got on with the stuff they need to do anyway and the police make themselves known on the streets?


    I saw a policeman out walking on the street today. Took me back to a time when that was a regular occurrence,!


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