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Rent Control Failures - case studies wanted to prove the point

Landlords are being asked for any evidence or case studies that can help build a case against rent controls.

The National Residential Landlords Association is formulating a formal response to a consultation exercise which started this week linked to a Welsh Government proposal to look at rent controls.

The consultation sets out a number of potential options for rent controls including following the controversial example of Scotland, which has seen a series of six-monthly renewed rent controls - prompting anger amongst lettings professionals and decisions by some investors to pull out of buy to let and new developments.


The Welsh Government has issued a green paper which means it is not yet committed to introducing rent controls, only to exploring them. 

James Wood, the NRLA policy manager, says: “We would strongly recommend landlords respond to this consultation directly with their opinions on how it would impact on their future investment choices before it becomes concrete policy. In addition, as this is not policy yet, if it does some come in, it is likely to be years away so landlords have plenty of time to consider their options.

“The NRLA will be responding to this consultation as well and we will be arguing that rent controls would be a disaster for the supply of homes in Wales. Particularly given landlords are still struggling with the implementation of Renting Homes (Wales). We are keen to hear from landlords and agents who want to provide case studies to add to our consultation response.”

The Welsh Government’s consideration of rent controls has raised hackles because in the past Welsh housing minister Julie James has said: “If you have to freeze a rent and you are on a buy to let mortgage and your costs are going up as a landlord then you are not going to be able to cover your costs - why would you stay in the market?”

Another of her comments has been: "Especially in rising inflation, where if you put your money in the bank, you might get a decent return on it - which hasn't been the case for some years.”

And she has said: "We have to be really careful here that we balance the rights of tenants and the rights of landlords and we keep up a supply of housing so we can keep people housed."

If landlords wish to respond to the news consultation they can do so here.

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  • icon

    We can all see where this is going 😱 Labour will look at the SNP for inspiration, I would not be surprised if this and an evictions ban came in within months of them taking over …. We have a year 🆘🆘

  • Richard LeFrak

    I see the NRLA is getting involved in this issue but the Section21 reversal they have not got involved in that which is a bigger issue for it's 100k members.

    Beadles About again..


    For the NRLA to simply ignore the cries from the broad community of residential landlords to defend/reverse Sec21 says it all about this organization. It patently DOES NOT effectively represent the LL community .
    The board of the NRLA should resign or be voted out,

  • icon

    AJR & Peter, I agree 100% the NRLA our Representatives haven’t lifted a finger to help, just going along with getting rid of Section 21 as if it didn’t matter.
    So if it didn’t matter why are landlords running for the exit.
    Why haven’t they supported the petition to reverse the scrapping of S21.
    They should have it on their website as a priority to give their members a chance to vote, instead of being ignored.
    Come on then NRLA put it up there.

    Richard LeFrak

    I have done that Michael, emailed The Beadle directly. I said I would give them two weeks to respond to emailing every member with a link to the petition.

    Tomorrow is end of week one, so reminder going in, after that I am cancelling my membership.

    Discounts for screwfix or the like is not what I want, I want bloody action…!

  • icon

    I dropped out of the NRLA after a good look at its managers. One a female solicitor looked like one of Blair's people. Further l spoke to them for advice and the woman who responded was in similar vein to Beadle, very naive ! Beadle has been on GBnews talking to Nigel Farage (the caption said from Spain). Beadle spoke in generalties, mainly about the property market. Nobody is acknowledging that the PRS sector has stopped growing and is now contracting.

    Richard LeFrak

    Correct Edwin, I watched him the other day and there was no cohesive answer to any of the questions put to him.


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