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Renters Reform Bill - Penny Mordaunt gives progress report

A Labour MP has expressed concern at the speed of progress on the Renters Reform Bill - pushing Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt to give a report.

The Bill was introduced to Parliament with a fanfare four weeks ago when it had its First Reading in the Commons.

But when will it have its Second Reading? asked Labour’s Andrew Western yesterday.


It is against protocol for details of progress on a Bill to be given to individual MPs at a Commons Question Time but Mordaunt, on behalf of the government, gave a strong hint in her reply.

“I know that that Bill is of great interest to many Members, in all parts of this House. The honourable gentleman will know that I will say that I will announce business in the usual way, but I am optimistic that he will not have long to wait.”

Earlier this week the Renters Reform Coalition - a collection of 20 ginger groups, including Acorn which takes direct action against landlords and letting agents - held a parliamentary drop-in event to brief MPs on the Bill.

The RRC Twitter account suggests the event was dominated by Labour MPs - those pictured on social media include Lloyd Russell-Moyle and Rebecca Long Bailey, both shadow cabinet members when Jeremy Corbyn was leader.

Outgoing Green MP Caroline Lucas was also pictured.

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    They could look for where the Bill is in the bin. Best place for it.

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    They don't have landlords on board at all with the reforms, so they are heading for a disastrous situation.

    Landlords have had no representation during the process. If the Government would not listen to the NRLA, then that organisation should have withdrawn entirely from the process.

    Richard LeFrak

    Still no reply Ellie.....

    Reminder going Monday, NRLA not fit for purpose


    Thanks for the update Peter.

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    We are like the steerage passengers on that ill fated RMS Journey to New York. What EVER we say or want…. The answer is no, they don’t care.

  • George Dawes

    Labour / Tory , two sides of the same corrupt coin

    Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him ???

  • Richard LeFrak

    20 Ginger Groups?!?! NRLA amongst them? Probably not Beadle was probably not About on this occasion.

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    I wrote to the NRLA - in vain - No response what so ever!!!!

    Wrote to who they said was the local MP - Guess what ? I got a reply which is like a reply to a tenant who has welcomed the RRB, and asked him when it is going to fruition - which shows he hasn’t even read through the email - someone named Simon Baynes!! What a load of rubbish!!!!

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    Thank you for contacting me about reforming the private rented sector.

    I am confident that the Renters (Reform) Bill will help create a fairer rental market in England. The legislation will see tenants protected from revenge evictions and rogue landlords, and landlords given greater powers to evict anti-social tenants.

    The Bill will abolish Section 21 'no fault' evictions, which I recognise can deter tenants from challenging poor practice or unfair rent increases in fear they will be forced out of their home. To do this, the legislation will create a fairer tenancy structure where all assured tenancies will become periodic. I believe that this will create more security for tenants, without compromising the flexibility which attracts many to the private rented sector.

    The Bill will also introduce more comprehensive possession grounds so landlords can still recover their property, including where they wish to sell their property or move in close family. The reforms will make it easier to repossess properties where tenants are at fault, for example in cases of anti-social behaviour and repeat rent arrears.

    These changes come in addition to new powers to create a Privately Rented Sector Ombudsman which will provide fair, impartial and binding resolutions to many issues in the sector. I recognise that this will provide a quicker and cheaper alternative to the court system. The Government will also set up a Private Rented Property Portal. The portal will help landlords understand their legal obligations and demonstrate regulatory compliance, providing assurance to responsible landlords and helping them to attract prospective tenants. The portal will also help councils to target enforcement activity where it is needed most.

    I believe that these reforms will benefit both tenants and landlords, and I look forward to discussing this legislation in more detail as it makes its way through Parliament.

    As you may know, housing is devolved to the Welsh Government. This means that it is up to Welsh Ministers to oversee and reform renting laws in Wales. From June 2023, landlords in Wales will be required to give six months' notice for Section 21 Evictions. Under current rules landlords can ask tenants to leave with just two months' warning.

    Whilst I welcome that the Welsh Government has finally taken action to address this issue by amending the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016, I am disappointed that this was done at the last minute despite the longstanding concerns over Section 21 Evictions. I am also concerned that the extension of short notice evictions will only came into force in June, six months later than the rest of the law. My colleagues in the Welsh Parliament and I fear that the delay to the extension could spark a wave of evictions by unscrupulous landlords.

    The Welsh Government’s inability to enact their own legislation and far too many delays will cause uncertainty for landlords and tenants in Wales at a time of a cost-of-living crisis. This is totally unacceptable. My colleagues in the Welsh Parliament have assured me that they are monitoring this issue closely and will continue to scrutinise the Welsh Government.

    That was his reply!!!!!!

    Richard LeFrak

    What a proper Anchor...

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    Am I a tenant? Did I ask him how the new law is going to help me as a tenant? Naaaaaaaa!!! This shows - they have no answer to our queries (unless it comes from a solicitor), and they will ignore us as much as they can!!!!!!!!!

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    Sheila Chez, what codswallop you talk. RRB is the most unfair bill, making corruption and unfair system, legal. LL have worked hard, saved, borrowwd money to finance the property to start their business. Their rights to their own business has been gradually corroded, by so called legal Acts of Parliament. RRB is the worst one that I havw heard. S24 was bad enough. Removing S21, is totally detrimental. It will mean the only way the LL can get their property returned to them is by selling or wanting for them to move in there. They should have the rights tp their property anytime from 6 months onwards, if the tenancy allows it. It does not need to become periodic. I have only used s21, once when the a fully furnished house was cleared off all the furniture including paintings, lamps, leather settee, armchairs, beds etc. Expensive woodfloor burnt. The tenants needed to be chased for rent each month. They have literally stolen my furniture and contents. The frustration and the stress this caused is unbelievable. That was a breach of tenancy and inventory, both stated that they have to leave the furniture and everything aa they found it. But alas nothing was the same. The deposit was not sufficient to pat for everything. Taking them to court for money is the only way. This is another stressful event as I have to find them first. No, the goverment or theclae does not help the LL. The tenants can go and enjoy destroying another property. Nothing against unruly, dishonest tenants. We need to have a database of tenants where we can get information about such tenants. RRB is a a joke against the LL. Sheila cannot see it. She says s 21 is fair to both, LL and tenants. It is not. So far s21 has worked very well. Removing is goung to work againat both LL and tenants in the long run. The stupid MPs lack in vision. Down the line, between 5 to 10 years time, tenants will be banging the council and parliament doors to help them to get a home. Gov't need to have strategy to cope with this demand. Govt believes that more people will buy the LL properties and relieve them. There are only handful of people buying theirvown home. There is ways increasing number of people wanting to rent properties, increased students, students leave university to go out to work, new immigrants, asylum seekers etc. Govt has no strategy to increasing housing stock to meet thos increasing demand. They will always lag behind. The ones left behind are HA, UC, disability grant or benefit people. Working people will have less problem getting accomodation.


    I so wish that there was a database of rouge tenants but the idiots in the government only want a database of landlords.

    Luckily there's only 1 or 2 sets of tenants names I could add to the list in over 20 years, but I know that 1 of them has gone on and trashed another house.

    I guess that the idiots in charge don't want landlords to know about people like this otherwise they would have to house them and pay a fortune to restore the house.

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    JDC to VS

    I believe you are mistaken in targeting Sheila C. Scrolling down you would have discerned that she was trotting out the reply SHE received.

    Anyhow somebody mentioned "ginger groups" In my ignorance I have not previously encountered that expression - and now note that this means pressure groups. I knew not that there are 20 such.
    I have come across

    generation rent
    rowntree foundation

    Anybody know who are the 16 others?

    This is an ideological war against those who dare own property to rent - all seen as
    capitalist fat-cats !

    Perhaps we will be forced to self-identify as cats !

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    John. I believe you are right regarding Vibha & Sheila just a misunderstanding and no wonder everyone so upset.

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    My certain experience is that everybody in authority regards private landlords as mugs who can take bad tenants in, and off their hands. During covid 3 landlords were murdered ! Frankly politicians want to live in a bubble of their own making. Look at the staggering security at the king's coronation!

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    It's just too difficult. When my current tenants move out I'll sell up and invest in property in Portugal instead.


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