Airbnb says it will continue to share hosting data with HMRC because its landlord hosts want to pay their fair share of tax.
In a new statement Amanda Cupples, Airbnb’s General Manager for Northern Europe, says: “We have shared Host earnings information in the past to support the correct payment of tax, and we will continue to do so in line with these new rules.”
New rules which came into force on January 1 this year are set to become annual with all digital short let platforms obliged to share information with tax authorities each January, starting in 2025.
These new rules require Airbnb and other platforms to report information about the income of UK sellers of goods and services on their platform.
Under these new rules, there are no new tax obligations for landlord hosts and for those eligible for the Rent-a-Room scheme, hosting income is tax free up to £7,500 per year. The typical Airbnb landlord in the UK shares their own home for just two nights a month.
The typical Host on Airbnb in the UK earns around £6,200 a year.
In 2019 Airbnb launched a tax hub for its landlord hosts and linked with the online tax platform TaxScouts.