The landlord of a flat has been ordered to pay a total of £3,287 for failing to carry out repairs.
Carlo Ykhlef, of Bridlington, failed to undertake basic repairs and put in place adequate management arrangements to ensure the property he let out was safe for the tenant.
As Ykhlef did not comply with improvement notices served under the Housing Act 2004, East Riding of Yorkshire council brought the case.
Ykhlef did not attend the magistrate’s hearing and the matter was proved in his absence.
He was ordered to pay a total of £3,287 – £660 for each of the two improvement notices served on him, costs of £1,439 and a victim surcharge of £528.
The court heard the flat, which was occupied by a vulnerable tenant, contained hazards which represented a real danger, not only to the tenant but also to her visitors, including her daughter who was several months pregnant.
The prosecution was brought by the council’s private sector housing team after inspections found the property was fitted with inadequate heating and insulation, a dangerous staircase, a faulty fire alarm and lacked a suitable door lock to the only main entrance door to the flat.
Legal notices were served on Ykhlef by the council in connection with the property, which contained both Category 1 and 2 Hazards, including fire and excess cold.
However, he failed to complete the works and instead continued to allow tenants to live in unsafe conditions.
Chris Dunnachie, private sector housing manager at the council, says: “Throughout this case, officers have tried to work with the landlord to undertake essential works to the property, but their advice and then legal notices were ignored.
“This failure meant the council had to undertake emergency works to a dangerous staircase as a priority.
“Landlords should not be profiting from renting unsafe homes.
“The council does, and will continue to, take robust action when the safety of tenants is put at risk due to serious hazards from the properties they are living in.”