Landlords have only until Friday to give their views on a controversial licensing consultation from a council known for its aggressive approach towards the private rental sector.
Barking and Dagenham council has been consulting on its licensing property since February 16 and claims over 450 people have already sent in their views.
A replacement Selective Licensing Scheme is being proposed, along with a new Additional Licensing Scheme to cover small, shared Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) let to three or four people and outside the scope of Mandatory HMO Licensing.
However, the consultation closes this Friday, April 6, and a statement from the council claims there are benefits in its licensing schemes for landlords as well as tenant activists.
The council says these landlord benefits include Information and support, with licensed landlords receiving “regular guidance and training opportunities to help them improve”; Fair competition, with decent landlords “protected from unfair competition by dodgy landlords”; Enhanced reputation “through higher overall compliance across the borough” and Practical assistance with “access to multi-agency support for dealing with management issues, such as antisocial behaviour.”
Those interested in taking part can find out more and complete the survey on the council’s consultation webpage.