A council is seeking private landlords to participate in a controversial leasing scheme in a bid to curb homelessness.
The use of temporary accommodation services has increased exponentially in the Bridgend area of South Wales: there were 71 households in temporary accommodation at the end of 2018/19 and 253 households at the end of 2022/23, equating to a 256 percent rise within this time frame.
This situation has been compounded by a wider increase in demand for social housing.
Since 2019-2020, the total number of applicants on the Bridgend Common Housing Register at the end of each year has risen substantially. his is largely attributed to the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, as well as the reducing number of properties that are affordable in the private rental sector.
Now the council wants local private landlords to participate in the Leasing Scheme Wales.
Subject to suitability, private sector landlords who join the scheme will receive a range of benefits which will be supported by Welsh Government:
– Guaranteed rent for the length of the lease at the relevant Local Housing Allowance rate (leases are initially for a period of five years);
– Where necessary, a grant of up to £5,000 to bring properties up to an agreed standard;
– Management of properties for the length of the lease, which will include property inspections, repairs, and maintenance undertaken on behalf of the landlords;
– Support to tenants throughout the tenancy.
A council spokesperson says: “The Leasing Scheme Wales will increase the supply of suitable and affordable accommodation for those in need, and help to relieve the existing pressures on homelessness services.
“The scheme is a fantastic opportunity for private landlords in the area, offering them numerous advantages. Landlords will be provided with financial, as well as practical and managerial support from Bridgend County Borough Council. This is a great proposal for landlords, and we hope that they take advantage of it.”