A House in Multiple Occupation in Coventry, that came under the spotlight after reports of overcrowding, is being investigated for failing to meet housing standards.
The city council received intelligence from the police that a Coventry address was overcrowded; the authority suspected that the property was being used as an unlicensed HMO and therefore obtained a warrant to enter the property.
An early morning inspection was carried out by the council and a police exploitation team.
The property was found to be an unlicensed HMO with various management regulation breaches; there were also some concerns about modern slavery issues, but these were not identified.
A council spokesperson says: “We are committed to improving standards of private sector housing accommodation across the city. Sharing information, in this example by highlighting potential concerns around overcrowding and checking on issues like modern slavery, highlights the importance of joint working.
“When accommodation is not being responsibly managed and regulations are breached, we will use the range of legal powers to take action to help ensure that tenants are protected.”
And Chief Inspector Dave Amos says:
“Modern slavery involves the exploitation of some of society’s most vulnerable people and we are committed to safeguarding them wherever and whenever we receive information.
“Our teams regularly work on intelligence and take action against people and premises suspected of being involved in modern slavery.
“We rely on the public for information to help our investigations, so if you are concerned about modern slavery happening where you live, contact us via 101 or Live Chat, or anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”