Hundreds of landlords, investors and property experts attended Property Intelligence at the prestigious Keble College, Oxford this week.
The annual conference, hosted by agent Finders Keepers, included presentations from Propertymark, Oxford City Council and Capital Private Finance, as well as their own team.
This year’s seminar had a strong level of interest as conscientious landlords came along to learn about the future of the lettings market.
The content was designed to provide insights on the lettings, sales, and mortgage markets as well as updates on Oxford’s Local Plan to give a rounded view.
Managing director Paul Rushworth said: “We know that Rental Reform has been a hot topic in the lettings market for years now. With the introduction of a new government, we were thrilled to have secured Timothy Douglas as Head of Policy and Campaigns at Propertymark to speak on this topic. It meant our audience heard firsthand from the industry body engaging with the government on their and our behalf.”
David Butler from Oxford City Council presented on Oxford’s Local Plan and challenges as well as touching on changes in national planning, and James Keable from Capital Private Finance reviewed the investment market, touching on mortgage rates and yields.
Finders Keepers’ own Richard Massingham opened the presentations with an update on Oxfordshire’s lettings and sales market, reassuring delegates of this county’s appeal.
Victoria Lyall, head of marketing for Finders Keepers, said: “Our seminar is an opportunity to update and educate landlords, but also a chance to chat face-to-face.
“The audience is made up of landlords, both clients and non, as well as local developers, architects, and people with an interest in property.” She continues: “Over the years we have hosted this event in many of Oxford University’s stunning venues. As well as being an informative evening for our landlords, many also comment on how they enjoy seeing inside these beautiful buildings.”