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NRLA and council lettings agency organising forum for landlords

Landlords are being invited to a forum organised by a council’s own private lettings service and the National Residential Landlords Association.

The council - Ashford - admits that the event is being held amid an increase in the number of private landlords selling their rental properties and says: “The sector has experienced many changes in recent years, and we continue to see a fall in the number of landlords due to increased regulatory pressures.”

At the forum Ashford council’s ABC Lettings firm will outline the services it can offer, while the NRLA will update landlords on legislative changes which will impact how they run their businesses and deal with tenants.

Victoria Henham of ABC Lettings says: “We have tenants who are ready to move into a landlord’s rented properties and we can offer a flexible package to suit each landlord’s needs. Our main focus is to ensure that local people who might otherwise face becoming homeless are given the opportunity to make a longer term home for themselves in the private rented sector, backed by all the experience and support that the local authority can provide”

ABC Lettings, which manages more than 200 properties across Ashford, Folkestone and Hythe, says it offers landlords a no hassle, no hidden cost lettings service – and all from an organisation which is not motivated by profit and which has a reputation for a careful and considered approach.

The forum takes place on Wednesday February 21 from 9.30am to 3.30pm at the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. Places can be booked here.

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  • icon

    I bet they have lots of tenants waiting to move in, not the kind of tenants that I would touch with a barge pole thank you

    Richard LeFrak

    I doubt Ben will turn up to this one.

  • icon

    I give it year to eighteen months. Most councils could not run a bath.

  • icon

    Another rent to rent scam?

    The NRLA seem to be laying in the same bed as the government, they are supposed to represent us, but support the loss of S21? I've no idea why I am still a member.

    • B L
    • 28 January 2024 20:44 PM

    We asked ourselves why we became the members, what did we need from them, we conquered the need and left. This concept applies to all business, no customer service, no loyalty. Go somewhere else.

  • icon
    • B L
    • 28 January 2024 15:07 PM

    The private landlords sector provides many benefits and revenue to the economy, unfortunately the beneficiaries like the organisations, schemes and regulators did not treat private landlords fairly. The law should be made on principles and fairness by the traditional common sense, it goes without saying that there is a serious bias against landlords regardless the behaviour of rogue tenants. What is the point to have meetings when the principles are not on the right track.

  • icon

    I suppose I joined the NLA 17 years ago when they started all this HMO Licensing mularkey.
    When you make the Application £598.00 you got a discount if you were a member of a Landlord Association. That trick was only a one off when you Applied next time you didn’t get the discount they had you roped-in.
    Also they offered what seemed to be a reasonable Landlord Insurance telling us our existing Policy’s were not suitable.
    Now look what happened they are hugely expensive & covers less every year. They increase every year with more exclusions added. This time I think it’s 5 more exclusions added but increased premiums, I think its 85 pages for Policy / terms conditions etc’ its no wonder they say save the paper & the Planet and don’t print, you’ll never know what’s in there.

  • icon

    Same license application is now £1’650.00, that’s a thousand more but no need to justify and many more requirements.


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