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NRLA beefs up top team ahead of Renters Reform Bill

The National Residential Landlords Association haas revealed two new appointments which it says “will enhance the service to its members as the sector prepares for radical changes.”

James Kent - managing director of the property compliance management platform Safe2, which was purchased by the NRLA last year - has been appointed as chief innovation officer. He will have responsibility not just for Safe2 but will oversee the NRLA’s property management service, Portfolio, as well as all training and accreditation provided by the association.

In addition, Philip Cox becomes the NRLA’s new deputy chief executive. Having previously been the organisation’s finance director, he will continue to oversee all aspects of the association’s finances and commercial partnerships, ensuring  corporate governance arrangements are in place as the NRLA grows.


The appointments come in a year that will see the Renters Reform Bill significantly changing the way the private rented sector works, and the potential for a change of government at the election later this year.

Association chief executive Ben Beadle says: “As we enter into the new year, the NRLA’s priority remains ensuring our members have all the support they need to navigate and make a success of changes to the way the sector works.

“In their new roles James and Philip will continue to ensure the NRLA is providing first class services to our members. They will make sure we make best use of innovative new products that make renting easier, and ensure we have the right partnerships in place to secure a thriving rental market.”


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    It would be properly beefed up if Ben Beadle was replaced by someone with some teeth.

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    Still no professional PR department then? That’s the missing piece of the jigsaw that desperately needs filling to fight our corner against the press and the campaign groups who are all over us like a rash with misinformation. . Ben is a nice guy doing his best but in my opinion the wrong man to front our cause.


    He completely rolled over on section 21. If that is doing his best, I would hate to see his worst.

  • icon

    Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

    I want to see them fighting for landlords, not rolling over.😠

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    They don’t speak for me or represent my views. They have simply rolled over and had their bellies tickled 🐶

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    NLRA should poll its members to ask them what they want so they can speak with a mandate. Unfortunately the executive team have their heads in the sand and for all purposes acting like government spokesperson not an advocate for its members. Can only describe NLRA as a wet blanket!


    Should! Didn’t! Won’t! 😠

    Even a wet blanket can smother a small fire. Doubt the NRLA could even do that. 🤣

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    • A JR
    • 11 January 2024 08:32 AM

    The whole NRLA Board needs to be replaced. End of.

  • Richard LeFrak

    I for one shall not be renewing my NRLA membership this year, still waiting for The Beadle to reply to me from last year regarding section21. Got someone to email me with links to an article which was about a weak as p1ss.

    More interested in issuing trade point discount cards than fighting the landlords corner. It would be quite interesting to see if the discount cards have generated any money for trade point considering there is now 250k less landlords...


    Make that two of us, Peter. Disappointment doesn’t come close to describing how I feel about the NRLA.

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    Has anyone else tried using the NRLA Portfolio thing?
    I can't get it to do anything useful. It's probably the most unuser friendly landlord software out there at the moment. Can't make it add tenants. It doesn't just churn out tenancy agreements but takes 4 days for someone to approve them!!!!!!
    Instead of the NRLA wasting time and resources on Portfolio how about they do some useful landlord representation?

    John  Adams

    Lendlord is a better platform, like everything NRLA it's not fit for purpose lately.


    Lendlord is better than Portfolio but still quite clunky, especially if trying to backdate it to the start of the tax year. The mortgage finder is useful. Not as good as the old TBMC one but certainly the best I can currently find.
    The new version of Landlord Vision is the smoothest one I've tried but has got a few issues (especially with tenancy agreements) and is more expensive.

  • icon

    Wouldn’t it be great to be able to communicate with local Authorities regarding Residential Licensing I am certainly having trouble.
    Some Civic Centre’s have their front door locked to keep people out while homeless camping in tents outside the Door.
    Harrow demolished their Civic Centre now a Building Site for 1000 / 1500 Flats the Developers are having a field day. So they have no Civic Centre at all but tell you to go to the New library Building if you can find it that’s another game of soldiers. Anyway there’s 2 girls on reception that would like to help you but can’t eventually I was giving a number to ring which might have been upstairs ?, ok so I rang that while in the premises and he kept me hanging on for 48 minutes before the guy answered as far as I am concerned he might as well not have bothered. They are really taking the mick and do you know we are sworn to secrecy about any matter totally regarding your Application from Councils stand point but they have given themselves complete rights regarding anything to do with your personal information to share with anyone even if none of their Business. They have some recording phone machines for other matters but the message makes it clear you will not get talking to an advisor If you know a phone number for their licensing please share


    Maybe email here: residential.licensing@harrow.gov.uk

    At least your query will be in writing. Proof you tried to progress the matter. At the same time ask for a contact name and number.


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