An insurance firm claims landlords who add
electric charging points to their properties help boost income and desirability.
Quotezone claims that installing an EV could boost house value by up to £5,000: it claims some landlords could pay nothing for installation, as some electricity providers will install an EV charger for free.
Alternatively, the typical cost of buying and installing an EV charger is around £1,000.
Insurance chief executive Greg Wilson says: “We would encourage more landlords to start installing EV chargers at their properties, it’s a smart move to help future-proof their investment.
“It’s also a win-win for both renters and landlords, tenants get convenient and cost-effective charging options, while landlords are able to increase the value of their property by up to £5,000.
“Having the option to charge an electric vehicle at home will serve as an attractive selling-point to prospective tenants. Interestingly, 40% of the UK’s youngest drivers have already opted for electric vehicles, ahead of the ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars – considering 74% of this 16 to 24-year-old age group rent, it’s a sensible investment for landlords.
“Providing these young EV drivers with rental options which cater to the needs of their vehicle is a great way to encourage and support efforts to reduce carbon emissions, entice new tenants, boost house price value, and keep current tenants happy.”