Scotland’s landlords have the right to make a “return” on their investment, the Scottish Government housing minister Paul McLennan has confirmed.
He outlined his position during a question-and-answer session at Scottish Letting Day, the annual conference of the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL).
McLennan’s comments came as the latest sign of a change in Scottish Government thinking towards the private rented sector since the end of the informal agreement with the Scottish Greens.
The minister also confirmed that his government considers landlords to be “working people”.
McLennan’s assertion clashes with that of Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who said his government does not consider landlords to be “working people” during the recent Budget.
The Scottish minister has previously claimed that he wants to “reset” the relationship with Scotland’s PRS and has told landlords that they have a key role to play in solving Scotland’s housing crisis.
Scottish Association of Landlords chief executive, John Blackwood, says: “We were relieved to hear that the Scottish Government considers landlords to be working people and that we have the right to make a return on our investments, signalling that the government has moved on from the days of the Bute House Agreement [with the Greens].
“I want to thank everyone who contributed to making our annual conference such a success and say that I look forward to us all getting back together next year.”