Another council is to consider whether to go out to public consultation on a licensing scheme.
Next week North East Lincolnshire Council will vote on plans to go out for a 10-week consultation on the introduction of Selective Licensing in a number of areas. If approved the consultations will run from January to March 2025.
Registered Social Landlords and their properties would be exempt from selective licensing.
The creation of two Areas of Action will also be considered to motivate landlords in these areas to work more closely with the council to bring their properties up to standard.
A statement from the authority says: “The areas where the council is considering consulting on selective licensing have significant problems: East Marsh is in the top 1% of most deprived wards in the country; life expectancy is the lowest in the borough, and the crime rate is the highest in the borough; 24.6% of people are in fuel poverty.
“[The area] also has some of the highest concentrations of private rented accommodation, high levels of anti-social behaviour, poor property conditions, and frequent reports of nuisance noise and fly-tipping. [One area] is also in the top 1% of most deprived areas in the country and, in Sidney Sussex, 39.5% of households within the proposed Area of Action are experiencing household deprivation.”