It’s still 16 months away but HMRC is launching a campaign and toolkit to win over landlords.
From April 6 2026, sole traders and landlords with a gross income over £50,000 from self-employment and property will need to use MTD for Income Tax to report their income to HMRC. This threshold reduces to £30,000 from April 6 2027.
HMRC is also urging agents – for example, accountants with landlord clients- to sign up to the ongoing voluntary testing phase for MTD for Income Tax.
A statement from the Revenue says: “Signing up early allows agents and their clients to try the new process before it becomes mandatory. It will also help HMRC expand end-to-end testing, to ensure
our systems work as they should before April 2026.”
There’s a so-called toolkit just out from the HMRC too, with guidance, checklists and videos to explain MTD.
Craig Ogilvie, HMRC’s director of Making Tax Digital, says: “Using digital records and submitting quarterly updates through software will reduce the chance of unintentional errors in customers’ tax returns, making it easier to pay the right amount of tax.
“It also means customers will have access to improved data to support their business planning and productivity.”