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Council offers free “fundamental training” for private landlords

A council says it’s offering “fundamental training” to private landlords via an online day-long course on March 8.

The training covers pre-tenancy and liabilities for Energy Performance Certificates, tax and insurance; responsibilities of a landlord surrounding tenancy agreements, Tenants Fees Act, gas safety, HMOs and licensing; as well as property standards - including Housing Health and Safety Rating System, repairs, dampness and risk assessments.

There will also be training on setting up different types of tenancy agreements, deposits and rent setting; obligations during the tenancy including periodic visits, tenant obligations, and anti-social behaviour; ending a tenancy with the relevant notices, what to do if the tenant wants to leave, possession and eviction.


A spokesperson for the organisers - North Yorkshire council - says: “Working with the National Residential Landlord Association has allowed us to provide a range of training and support to our landlords. This training covers a wide range of details about the fundamentals of being a landlord and what it entails.

“I encourage as many landlords as possible to get involved whether you are a new landlord or a landlord with many years’ experience, this training can support you. Regulations surrounding landlords and the private sector are always changing, keeping up to date with the fundamentals allows landlords to be fully prepared.”

Book a place on the National Residential Landlords Association website.

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  • icon

    No thanks. All you red tape monkeys should go off and get yourself a real job and make a difference to tax payers that fund you with your salaries, gold plated pensions and now empty offices whilst you all sit at home watching This Morning and Loose Women (i.e. working from home).

    George Dawes

    Agree 100%

    Richard LeFrak

    Why are the NRLA getting involved in this? Shouldn’t they be trying to retain landlord numbers and lobbying for s21, S24 and the like?

    This advice seems like leading people into a cul de sac


    Peter - I don't know. I discovered recently Beadle used to work for the Tenancy Deposit Service so I can't see how he can work for a landlord organisation now?

    Rearrange this:

    Leopards, spots, can't it's change!

  • George Dawes

    The day I take advice from public sector clipboard carrying paper clip shuffling drones on anything apart from claiming expenses is the day I quit for good

    The arrogance of this lot is bewildering

  • icon

    Peter why do I bother - bcoz there is money in it for them - they arn’t interested in Landlords apart from how much money they can extract

  • icon

    I think perhaps some LLs could offer training to Councils! This would probably have a larger effect on the rental market!

  • icon
    • A JR
    • 20 February 2024 08:36 AM

    These utterly untrustworthy, arrogant, jobworthy’s, need to learn something about private business before they lecture folk who ‘do the job of housing people’. Getting into bed with NRLA doesn’t impress the majority of landlords either!

  • icon

    Sounds like this event is aimed at accidental or unprofessional landlords who may not know of the need to obtain an EICR, gas safety cert, EPC and to protect any deposit before letting the property. These are the landlords who either won’t know about the event or won’t attend it. Those who do attend will probably be told what they already know. The council will explain the procedure of serving notice, getting a possession order and eviction warrant but they obviously won’t be helping with that and will tell you to get your own legal advice. When landlord’s plead ignorance of the requirements the council will reply “but we offered you free training”.

  • icon

    What to do if the tenant wants to leave? 🤔
    First, thank the God of your choice. 🙏
    Second, get the estate agents round. 😉
    Third, sell and invest the money in something less stressful. 🍾

  • icon
    • C P
    • 20 February 2024 12:16 PM

    Amazing, the clueless are trying to take the upper hand, why don’t they sort out their own housing stock.

  • icon

    It's the council's who need training in looking after their let properties and their tenants. Also on how to balance their books, prioritise their spending on the necessaries. If they are charging license fees or higher CT to the landlords, councils need to be trained on how to ring fence these funds to help the homeless or social tenants through purchasing more housing. Councils need serious training and education on various fields. They need to start going to their council offices and take their job seriously and understand that all the easy tax, license fees and other fees they are collecting from the citizens is hurting the people who pays them and need to respect all these contributions and not fritter it away, thinking money is coming to their coffers on a continuous basis.


    Our council is going up by 4.99%, the legal maximum, yet we cannot use the recycling centre more than once a month. I even have to pay for a private refuse collection because, no matter how we try, we and our pets, generate a lot of rubbish.

  • Sarah Fox-Moore

    Training? From the Council? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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