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Another council set to implement a landlord licensing scheme

Burnley council says it’s considered the findings of a six-week public consultation and is set to increase planning controls over the conversion of properties into HMOs.

The council’s executive is recommended to agree the removal of what are known as permitted development rights which currently allow a single dwelling house to be changed into a small HMO without planning permission.

Currently a single dwelling can be converted into an HMO for between three and six people without the need for planning permission. Under the proposals being decided by the executive when it meets on this week, anyone wanting to do that in future would have to submit a planning application. 


Larger HMOs are already subject to planning control.

The results of the consultation carried out in October/November 2023 found that 85% of those who responded either supported the proposals or raised no comment.

If approved, the additional control would cover nine wards.

A council spokesperson says: “The proposal to remove permitted development rights won’t prevent HMOs being created but it will give the council more control over how many there are and where.

“While HMOs can provide a form of low-cost housing, particularly for younger people, those on low incomes and for those with short-term housing requirements. We also recognise that they can in some cases have a detrimental impact on neighbours and wider communities. 

“This move will help a balanced approach and help address some of the concerns related to HMOs.”

If confirmed, the new arrangement is set to come into operation from October 2024 to allow for the legal process to be completed.

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    Rent increases all round then!


    Yes Tricia if some one's going to give me a hard time then someone will pay for it

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    Burnley rents going 🚀 again 🤷‍♂️👍🏻💵💵💵

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    Nothing to do with raising more money then? 🤔


    Shiver 🥶 my timbers 😂😂 the mere thought of it 🫣🫣

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    Oh dear 85% if a child told you that you’d give them a slap. Who did they ask and how many. I couldn’t see turkeys voting for Christmas.
    The usual ask the general public that has no input, to get the answers they want, did they ask the participants what their occupation was and what percentage of Burnley voted ? I doubt they have any mandate.
    We had all that nearly 20 years ago now a marvellous Consultation, a guy came from York held 3 meetings Southall, Ealing & Acton I attended all 3. It was called the Mayhew Report he knew very little about the Borough when challenged but told us what was coming in, there you go that’s your Consultation.
    It was reported at the time he got paid £100k for that handy money.
    To say HMO provide cheap accommodation is a joke or should I say Licensed HMO’s one of the Biggest causes of unaffordable Rent or are they suggesting the Licensing Scheme doesn’t cost anything ?. It’s costing landlords & Tenants Billions the reason for its introduction.
    Its taking a long time for the Scheme to make it that far up the M6, you can get a beautiful house there for 2/3 hundred thousand but this scheme could put the mockers on it, careful now what you are voting for it may well affect you.

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    Just another greedy Council jumping on the Landlord band wagon without caring that it will be the Tenants who suffer ultimately.

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    If there good landlords there shouldn't be a problem and if there rouges and greedy they'll probably end up in court.


    Still showing how illiterate you are, SBR?


    I don't think SBR reads the replies, that's why she is not correcting her spelling.


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